These 3 items have pretty much consumed my life the past week. I have been busier this February than I have of any February in my life.
You see, February is the month our swim club hosts 2 high school district swim meets AND the short course championships. In the past that took up 3 of my 4 weekends in the month. However this year, a change was made and the high school districts were “combined” on the same weekend. It worked.. things ran smoothly enough that everyone was happy.. results were submitted (late, but that was expected by the person receiving the results as our schedule ran until after the deadline).. and with whatever sleep we were able to get, we are moving on.
To this next weekend in which our swim club will host the short course championships for age 10 & under swimmers.. yep, over 400 little kids running around the pool. And we’re going to get them to their events on time. ☺
This I all expected going into February.. this was all planned.
What was not planned was the drama, the family crisis, the tragedies. You see this month our swim club is also dealing with a Board in crisis.. due to one, many have resigned. And that issue has to be dealt with. Things have to be corrected, and we need to get back on track. Step one is tonight.. I’m praying it goes well (a general meeting of the membership, that is).
On top of that, I received the news that my good friend from high school (we’re talking over 28years of friendship) lost her dad, her grandma, AND her great uncle all within 2 days! My heart exploded with sadness at these great losses for her. And to make it worse, she lives in a different state and I could only offer my words, my thoughts, my prayers… no shoulder to cry on, no arms to hug and hold her. I know she understands, but I really wanted to be there for her. She is a trooper and managed the weekend surrounding herself with family and a few other close friends while I supported her from a distance.
At the same time, a close friend (who does live nearby), was having pain in her abdomen. It turns out this pain is a problem with her ovaries.. and possibly ovarian cancer. I have been here to drive her to appointments, watch her kids and escort them to activities, offer a hug and shoulder to cry on, and generally any help I can. She is going for another appointment today where she will find out more info about possible surgery, biopsy, etc.. (please keep her in your thoughts and, especially, in your prayers).
So, as the sign says, I am happy to
1) get up
2) survive
3) go back to bed
In the meantime, I have downloaded an app on my phone so I can post from anywhere I have cell service! Yay!
Until next time, please remember these things::
*hug everyone you care about and never leave them with a bad feeling
*don’t sweat the small things (and they’re mostly small), laugh and focus on the BIG things
*surround yourself with happy people
*if you feel the need for encouragement, encourage others – it will be returned many-fold!
and as always, Tough times don’t last; Tough people do!