My Journey To Nomadic VanLife

My Photography

This Life Worth Loving photography

I first took a photography class and purchased my first ‘professional’ camera in 2014.

I fell in love with the art of photography. I wanted to pursue it.

But, as with most things at that period in my life, I let the busy-ness of life distract me and pull me away.

I still dabbled and I learned to use my phone camera, but it’s time I restart this journey in a bigger way.

This page, Darkroom, is a collection of some of my best photos. A history of my journey if you will. It has photos from my beginning, a few from my “distracted period”, and I will be adding to it with new photos from my travels. I’m excited to share this with you.

This is an opportunity for you to enjoy some beauty in your world and to help support my journey, the journey I am excited to share with all of you! Proceeds from the sales on this page will support my travels and help me to purchase more professional equipment and software.

I appreciate you. And thank you for looking, whether you choose to purchase or not.