I don’t know the name of the song, but I know that’s part of the lyrics. Or maybe it’s a jingle from a commercial. IDR.. but right now all I can think is, “if I really express myself, I’m going to jail or the psych ward!”
To say it’s been a stressful, frustrating, “I’m gonna flip out and lose my mind” kind of night kind of feels like an understatement right now. I’m just about to head off to bed, but I thought I better “blow off some steam” first.

First thing I need to point out is that my youngest son, DJ (he doesn’t want me posting his full name yet), has ADHD and Oppositional Defiant Disorder. He is a handful; a BIG handful at times. His behavior tests my limits to the maxxxx!! My older son, Dylan, is fine; he’s just a preteen who, again, is testing his boundaries to see what he can get away with.
Tonight was full of both. DJ came home from school early today – the school nurse called because he wasn’t doing his work in class and couldn’t seem to concentrate. His reason? He missed mommy. sigh.. {Have you ever had to handle that? What did you do?} I spent at least 15 minutes talking with him, asking if there was a kid, a subject, an assignment, something that was bothering him (which he adamantly denied all), offered to come back and eat lunch with him, offered to take a picture and have the school print it so he could have my picture there with him — he would have none of it. So, what’s a mother to do? I had his belongings brought to the office and I took him home with me. Well, I took him to my friend’s house to watch tv and tag along as I cleaned. Then lunch. Then homework…………….
……and that’s where it stayed. Homework. His attention continued to drift away, I kept redirecting him. At the same time as hounding Dylan to do his homework. It was a constant battle tonight. They kept distracting each other, playing, laughing, getting up. And I had to continue stopping what I was doing to redirect them. For 5 hours! I am SO done with homework at this point.
Thankfully, Dylan finished his (at least he says he did). DJ though, that’s a whole new post. :/
I’m going to end this with the satisfaction that, although I have the worst headache and frazzled nerves, my kids are alive and in bed. No, they’re not asleep yet, but that time will come soon. It has to, right?
until tomorrow ☺ and ♥