I have my default page on Internet Explorer set to Facebook. Yep, FB is the first thing I see in the morning when I log onto my desktop. And normally, I’m ok with that. This morning though, sitting in front of the computer, I felt Facebook taunting me: How are you feeling, Lauretta?  sigh…  do you REALLY wanna know? If not, keep scrolling. If you do.. well, here it is.

I’m feeling a tad bit overwhelmed lately. It feels as if the very delicate house of cards I’ve been managing for the past 3+ years is starting to fall apart and crumble around me. I don’t dare ask “what else could go wrong” as I’ve learned from experience that SO much more CAN go wrong! Things are piling on in what seems a never-ending cycle though..  and I feel I’m about to break. See, there’s a crack….

….old insulation makes it always cold in the house (a 2br mobile trailer), fighting mold in a couple areas due to the cold/dampness in parts of the trailer, mice have moved in and we’re tyring to get them to relocate (or die, which makes me feel worse), the dryer seems as if it’s falling apart with the worst squealing noise ever and the enamel has started peeling on the edge of the door (which scratches my arm on occasion as I put laundry in and take laundry out), and with my second daughter, Tori, moving back in (which I’m ok with!), there is more stuff that needs to be organized and put away so that there is some kind of “sane” in this crazy house! After all, that makes 7 people in a 2br single-wide trailer.  Yes, seven.
so..   I’m feeling my laptop background today. How about you?

until later, keep this mantra in mind – it’s one of my favorites.

Tough times don’t last, tough people do.