Again, it’s been a while since my last post. I’m really trying to get better at this.
I’ve been a procrastinator for most of my adult life. That probably won’t change overnight, but I am hoping to work on it harder and make that change consistent. I could be wrong, but I think my procrastination has a lot to do with my depression and the constant obstacles I seem to have to overcome.
Although I decided on #SUVLife over a year ago (I did have a Nissan Rogue at the time), here I am still stuck renting a house I do not want to rent, delaying the life I want to live month after month.
But this blog is about my journey to realizing, and living, a life that I love.
So here’s just a quick update to where I’m at today..
My savings is depleted, but I have new tires and have caught up on most of the maintenance/repairs needed on my van. I still have the back brakes and tail light to fix.
I still have to take a trip to California to empty my sister’s belongings from the garage. I have to sort through the garage and sell/donate/trash belongings I do not want to keep in the van and decide if there is anything I really want to keep that won’t fit in my van. I really do not want to pay for a storage unit so I’m hoping to keep it to a minimum that I can, hopefully, keep with one of my kids (family heirlooms, etc).
My updated plan is to be in my van in the next 1-2 months. I will stealth park locally and continue to work at the hotel for approximately 1-2 years, building my savings for emergencies (and a bigger van). I want to take weekend trips to explore parts of Oregon until I start my full-time travel.
I’m working on compiling a ‘bucket list’ of sorts for each state of places I want to visit. Hot Springs, the Lava Caves, and (a road I need to look up again) are definitely on my list for Oregon.
Today I am gathering my thoughts, working on my budget, and figuring out dates.. tomorrow I start cleaning up and minimalizing my room.
I’m hoping if I focus on regular updates, it will help me to stay on track – and maybe help others in the future that are wanting to do #VanLife.
I hope you’ll stick around for this journey with me.