I SO did not want to get up this morning. We, as a family, were up too late last night. The kids were back and forth and did not really settle down until I went to bed. At 11pm. I was trying to finish the dishes, a few emails, some ‘work’..  sigh. And they didn’t want to get up either.

However, we were successful! Successful in the fact that they were up and dressed and out the door on time, no one missed the bus, and no one went barefoot or without a jacket – it is cold outside! Now I sit here, with my nephew who just woke up, pondering what the day has in store for me. And how to go about things so that I accomplish the most in the time I have. Isn’t that, after all, what we all try to do? I have a million things running through my mind – I’m gonna have to do a ‘brain dump’ soon. You’ve done one of those haven’t you?

No?! Ah, it’s easy. I haven’t kept up a daily/weekly/monthly planner for a while, but planners are the best place to write your ‘brain dump’. In your planner notes section (or just grab a sheet of paper if you don’t have a planner) just start making a list of everything on your mind. Yep, EVERYTHING!  It may look a little something like this::

(This is not my complete list, I just jotted a few things down) The point is to just get everything down on paper so that you don’t feel like your head is going to explode if one more thing comes up. At this point you can prioritize easier and schedule things into your calendar. Knowing that it’s written down (and somewhere where it won’t get lost) will ease your anxiety — at least that’s the point.

So, that’s all there is to it. I’m going to clean (I have a PT gig cleaning a friend’s house), but when I get home I’m getting busy on my brain dump and item #1 on that list.

so, until next post, ttylxox  (have you heard that song? it’s catchy. and I like the phrase.)