Do you have CHAOS? I do. What!? You don’t know what CHAOS is? Let me explain… Can’t Have Anyone Over Syndrome. Yep. That point when things are so out-of-hand that you can barely stand to look around the house – there is NO WAY you’re going to let company come over. You’ve got the flu, you’ve got pink eye, the kids are sick, you’ve got exploding diarrhea. ANY excuse to avoid company so that you can buy time to get rid of that CHAOS. CHAOS sneaks up on you sometimes, a pile here, a pile there. Then next thing you know, every flat surface is covered.

I have been SO busy these past couple weeks that I blinked and when I turned around… oops, there it is! CHAOS. ugh. 🙁 If you’re anything like me (and I pray you’re not), it can be debilitating. I have such a hard time sticking with ONE thing to clean until it’s done before moving on to something else. I’ll start by going through papers on my desk, to come across a paper that belongs to my sister. So I take the paper to her room to give her, stop to get a drink of water and see one of the kids have left their food on the counter, so I empty the plate and start washing dishes, go to put the dish towel in the laundry and the hamper is full, so I start a load of laundry. After a long day I’m exhausted from everything I felt like I did, but looking around, you can’t tell I did anything! Because nothing is DONE. It’s all just pieces of done, here and there.

Sigh, maybe tomorrow. How about you? Do you find it hard to stay on task when cleaning? Do you run around like a forgetful child or do you have a plan and stick to it?