It finally happened. With technology so prevalent in society nowadays, it was bound to at some point.

I was on the bus on my way to work and what better time to work on my logo, right? Well, apparently not. I was so engrossed looking for specific graphics that I rode the WHOLE route, not even realizing it until I was almost back at the bus station. I had missed a number of announcements stating where we were, completely oblivious, so tuned into my phone. When I finally looked up to see where we were, I was shocked we were 2 stops away from returning to the station – 4 stops after I should have gotten off for my transfer. Ugh.

There was no way I was going to be to work on time. I would be at least an hour late.

So what‘s a girl to do? Yep, I called Lyft. Thomas to the rescue. Thomas got me to work only a few minutes late – about 56min before I would have made it had I waited for the next bus. And his other job? He designs websites for companies! So we chatted about my blog and my website and he gave me suggestions, some I had already done (Thanks Pete and Heather!), some I will be looking into.

Have you been so tuned into technology you missed something important IRL (in real life)? I’m actually still a bit surprised how long I was tuned out, haha. Lesson learned – maybe the bus is not the place to work on projects that take focus.