Well, hello there friend. It’s been a while. I once heard someone compare life to an ocean, it hits you in waves. I, once again, experienced a BIG wave that knocked me down. Actually it kind of felt like tsunami, a catastrophic ocean wave. Let …
pulling the trigger.
I’ve been saying it over and over again: I’ve had it, I’m done having others take advantage of me. Month after month for the past many months, I’ve put off my plans because I’ve had to take responsibility where others in my household have lacked, …
..just an update
Again, it’s been a while since my last post. I’m really trying to get better at this. I’ve been a procrastinator for most of my adult life. That probably won’t change overnight, but I am hoping to work on it harder and make that change …
a blog is sometimes like a child
What do I mean by that? How is a blog like a child? As your child grows and learns new things their sense of self and personality evolve. They start in one direction but the learning of something new can alter that course and change …
A lot of hard work – and my new van!
After what I’ve called “the breakdown” it took me a while to get my thoughts in order and come up with a new plan. And it’s taken a bit longer to get that plan in motion. First and foremost, I got back to work. I …
Departure Derailed
In preparation of my departure date, I worked hard to gather all of my sister’s things that I’ve been storing for her since she moved from Oregon back to California 8 years ago. Rather than a quick drive down and back, I decided to make …
My Countdown to SUVLife. .
I’ve been so busy working and researching and working and working that I haven’t taken the time to write. But I finally made the decision on my departure date, so let the countdown begin! August 1, 2022 It is scary. It is exciting. It makes …
Changes ahead: NEW content categories!
Delete some.. With the new direction of my life, and therefore my blog, I will be deleting some of the categories I had previously written about. If you didn’t see my post, just click the link to read all about My New Journey! Mostly I …
Just Start: think positive, be happy, live free!
Just start. I’ve been saying that and thinking that a lot lately. How and where do I start cleaning? Just start.I don’t know how to declutter and minimize my stuff. Just start.What all is required to start a blog. Just start.How do I plan to …
How I Narrowed Down My Niche
I was reading and researching blogging for quite a while before I actually started my blog. And as I continue to read, research, and learn about how to improve my blog I still read about other people’s journeys to create and start their blogs. I …