Just start.

I’ve been saying that and thinking that a lot lately.

How and where do I start cleaning? Just start.
I don’t know how to declutter and minimize my stuff. Just start.
What all is required to start a blog. Just start.
How do I plan to make changes in my life? Just start!

I’m doing it!

I can’t keep giving that advice if I don’t take it to heart myself, right?

Well, I’m doing it. And “I’m so excited, and I just can’t hide it. I’m about to lose control and I think I like it!”

So what is it, you ask? What am I starting that I am so excited about? Well, let me tell you!


So, before I elaborate, let me give you a little background to my decision.

I’ve worked hard my whole life and I’ve raised 4 children while being mostly single. I’ve struggled at times, but I’ve managed to get by and survive.

Without going into too much detail (seriously, that would cover a whole other post! haha), my living situation has been fluid over the last several years. I do not own property, so I rent. With rental markets what they have been, I have relied on living with roommates (mostly family) to get by.

Well, that’s about to change!

My son, Dylan, and his little family (Abby and Hazel) are moving. That’s good for them, but he was concerned about me. Of course, I told him no worries! All will be ok.

Then I started my panic thinking mode. Do I look for another roommate? Do I look for a room to rent (with my 3 dogs?! Not likely)? Do I look for a 1 bedroom or a studio (really, I’m done with roommates!)?

So, I started thinking. I started reading and researching. And that’s when I saw it. The Facebook TikTok reel that would change my life!

That Nomad Life

Living in her car for 2 years?!? After watching that TikTok, I clicked on her profile and watched ALL her posts. Oh my, she is SO funny, but *language alert for you sensitive peeps*! Scrolling her posts, I saw one where she met up with @stephani.kay, another #carlife nomad. I watched videos on TikTok and YouTube, searched Facebook and read articles for 3 days straight!

Not even 36 hours into my research I made the decision.

I’m going to move into my SUV! #SUVLiving, it’s a thing! And there’s a whole TRIBE of people doing it. And loving their lives!

WHY wait?!?

Remember my saying? Just start.

My life goal until this point was to save enough to buy a motorhome or RV so I could travel. Through my research, I realized there is NO reason to wait! I can outfit my Nissan Rogue and start NOW.

It is mid-March 2022. I’ve made the decision. I’ve told my immediate family. And, unless they read it here, I’ll be telling the rest of the family and my friends as it gets closer to my Departure Date (which I have yet to set).

I cannot contain my excitement!

Lists – Yep, I’m a planner

I’ve already got lists upon lists. I’ve worked up and am updating a #SUVLiving budget, I’ve got a supply list of necessary MUST HAVE items to start my journey, a supply list of wants that would make the journey more organized and comfortable (to obtain as income allows), a packing list (to stay organized), and more!

I have started delegating belongings to my kids and I’m working on separating items for trash/recycle, sell, donate, and storage (after all, there are items I will not be able to take that I am not willing to part with {such as a touch lamp I have had for 30 years! and dish and serving sets that have been handed down from my grandmother and her mother}).

The one thing I have yet to determine is how quickly I’m going to make this happen. I DO know I will be staying in Oregon for the summer, then heading down to SoCal to visit family and friends, then back here to Oregon when the new grandbaby is due. I don’t know if I will be living in my car as early as 2 weeks or as late as 2 months yet. I do know I am ready.

Follow me on my nomad journey to #SUVLiving and #freedom!